In preparing for my photoshoot on 30th September 2016, I was opened with my heart and soul to RECEIVE all that was coming to me. I didn’t WHAT or the HOW. I just knew it was TIME. I was prepared for such a time as this moment. For such a time as NOW! And, oh what a magical day it turned out to be!
The power of investment in building a brand and business, has a profound compounding effect…when you BELIEVE THEIR IS POWER IN YOUR STORY! When you BELIEVE THE POWER THAT LIES IN YOU. When you honour the BRAND you’re building and know that YOU ARE your brand. When you embrace your PURPOSE.
When you know that your past pain ultimately leads to your divine purpose. That even though you pain was for just a season, there was a reason. And that reason is..To RISE UP
YOU are a WONDER WOMAN. A fierce, fearless and fabulous woman. It’s TIME to ARISE!!!
Stand tall, Stay True to You, Stand Strong and SOAR higher than ever before. Be Brave! As Confidence and Courage is your TRADEMARK!
When you live full out your purpose in obedience to your divine calling ~ MIRACLES Happen!
Divine Shifts, Suddenly’s and Supernatural’s will become prevalent in your life. Doors will open than no man can close, people will come into your life and bless you. New Connections form New Collaborations. You will be AWE-INSPIRED.
“WHO knew that just 12 months from that photo shoot. The POWER in my MESSAGE had culminated into a Global MOVEMENT. The birthing of ~ The Unstoppable Woman Of Purpose.”
A Global Movement to inspire greatness in women to become that formidable force of possibility & an unapologetic confident leader that steps into her greatness, becomes unstoppable in pursuing her purpose with passion. A fierce, fearless woman who charges her power both emotionally, spiritually & financially. Ultimately allowing her Voice to be heard, Vision to expand that transcends borders and Visibility to create an impactful difference around the globe. As her Story Matters!
12 months ago on that photoshoot day. I had fully stepped into my power. I was opened to receiving all that was coming my way. I was prepared for what lied ahead for me. Even though I didn’t know the intricacies to get to my destination. I didn’t know the road map and instructions to the WHERE and the HOW’s. I just knew my WHY!!!!!
My WHY was greater than myself. My Global ASSIGNMENT transcends beyond my homeland. My WHY is not about me. IF it was, there wouldn’t much challenge. My WHY is for a greater PURPOSE.
My voice is not to hear me. It’s a voice for the voiceless. My visibility is not about me, it’s to create an impactful difference around the globe. To leave a legacy. My imprint on this sacred earth. Equipping, Empowering and Elevating women to lead unstoppable lives, businesses and ministries.
WHO knew that my expansive [WHY] would have snow balled into a catapulting
12 months of compounding Inspiration, Influence and Impact.
WHO knew that I would have authored four published international books, birthed a Global Movement, Published a Global
Anthology series. One 24 volumes of my Global Anthologies Movement which became a #1 International Bestseller, established a Publishing House, become a co-contributor on an international radio show, interviewed and featured in numerous global online magazines for women.
Just when I thought I reached my climax. To top it off, in just four weeks from today.
I will be hosting my first LIVE Red Carpet Soirèe Book Signing Extravaganza to pay tribute to my pioneering Global Movement of The Unstoppable Woman Of Purpose.
Visionary, I would LOVE to invite you, your partner and friends to an EPIC evening of elegance, entertainment and empowerment on Thursday 26th October in Melbourne.
**CLICK the Event Link** for full details and to reserve your exclusive Early Bird Tickets which ends 2nd Oct.
Nella Chikwe